Monday, June 30, 2008

An Apology, a Promise, and a Video.

So, I've been neglecting this blog a little bit. I feel bad, but I've been quite busy. I left June 6th for my cross country trip, and since then I've been in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Bloomfield, New Jersey, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, New York, New York, Columbus, Ohio, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Chicago, Illinois. Tomorrow I leave for Madison, Wisconsin.

Everyone I've stayed with so far has been awesome, and the people I've met have been awesomer. I haven't, however, had a lot of time. I have a to-do list that's about 37 entries long, and sadly updating my blog is not at the top... For each of the major jams I've been to, I've written a summary and edited together a 3-5 minute video. I've been working on several other really great projects too, and I'll be announcing or releasing those fairly shortly.

I have to go to bed now, I'm totally worn out from Chicago. But long story short: I apologize for not updating more, and I promise I'll be updating more often. Over the next few days I'll be posting links to the videos of the major jams here, so check back often!

If you want to follow my trip more closely, you can check out Where's Zac? on I'm posting my write ups and videos there for the whole Parkour community to see.

For now, the Philly video:

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Testing a new way to display images

(B)East Coast, represent! (Click on the image)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summer Trip Details *Updated with bloglink*

So it's been a little while since the last update. Whoops. I just wanted to fill everyone in a little on some more details about this summer:

I have a couple of goals for my trip.
First, obviously I want to meet traceurs and traceuses from all over the country. I want to share training techniques and stories with people who are more, and less, experienced than I. I've trained with a lot of different people, and I think that I can share quite a bit of knowledge with the people I visit. That being said, I hope to learn just as much from all of the traceurs and traceuses that I meet on my trip.

Second, one of my larger goals. I am going to record this entire trip on video. I am going to edit it all together into a documentary, sort of a "This is how America Trains" kind of thing. I'll be taking a lot of footage, and I'll be releasing smaller "jam coverage" media peices throughout my trip through American Parkour, but look for a longer documentary at the end of August or beginning of September.

The current itinerary of major jams follows. Note, I may be arriving the night before, the morning of, or sometime during the day of these dates, depending on bus schedules:

*Saturday, June 7th - Philly Jam II
*Friday, June 13th through Sunday June 15th - PKFR International Pittsburgh Jam
*Friday, June 20th through Sunday June 22nd - PKNY (New Jersey and NYC)
Monday, June 23rd through Tuesday, June 24th - Columbus, Ohio
Wednesday, June 25th through Friday, June 27th - Ann Arbor, Michigan
*Saturday, June 28th through Sunday, June 29th - Chicago Jam
Monday, June 30th through Wednesday, July 2nd - Madison, Wisconsin
Thursday, July 3rd through Friday, July 4th - Minneapolis, Minnesota
Saturday, July 5th through Wednesday, July 9th - Seattle, Washington
Thursday, July 10th through Tuesday, July 15th - San Fransisco, California
Wednesday, July 16th through Thursday, July 17th - Phoenix, Arizona
Friday, July 18th through Tuesday, July 22nd - Denver, Colorado
*Wednesday, July 23rd through Tuesday, July 29th - San Antonio, Texas
Tuesday, July 29th through Wednesday, July 30th - Tampa, Florida
Thursday, July 31st through Friday, August 1st - Miami, Florida
Saturday, August 2nd - Athens, Georgia
Sunday, August 3rd through Tuesday, August 5th - Charlotte, North Carolina
Wednesday, August 6th through Friday, August 8th - Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Saturday, August 9th - back home to Severna Park, Maryland!

*'s denote "National Jams"

I hope to meet as many people along this trip as possible. I plan on putting together an email list to keep people informed of how and what I'm doing (if you want to be on it, comment on this post!), and I'll be making regular posts on American Parkour detailing more of the Parkour oriented aspects of my trip. You can find a lot of the pictures, videos, and bloggings here, or you can go to American Parkour, go to the top-menu item "Where's Zac" and see the listing there.

If you'd like to contact me about my trip, or you're interested in meeting me somewhere along the way, send me an email at and let me know! I'm sure we can work something out.

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